Holidays in Cambodia - 2021. Prices, reviews, advice


Do you want to spend your vacation in a warm exotic country? Find out what tourists say about their holidays in Cambodia in 2021. We tell you about the weather, the best beaches, Khmer cuisine, prices. Reviews of tourists about the beach vacation.

Vacation season in Cambodia and rainy season

The territory of Cambodia is located in the subequatorial climate zone, and summer reigns here all year round. The air and sea water temperature is +28 ... + 30 ° С and almost does not change during the year. Southeast Asia is heavily influenced by monsoons, so there are two different seasons.

According to tourists, most come to Cambodia with November by Februarywhen it doesn't rain. In the dry season, the difference between day and night temperatures reaches 5-7 ° C, there is no suffocating heat and strong storms.

FROM Martha the situation is changing. The night temperature rises to +26 ... + 27 ° С, and the number of rainy days increases to five per month. In the end april and in May the hottest time of the year is coming. The air temperature in the daytime rises to +33 ... 34 ° С. Sometimes it gets hotter.

Intense heat begins at 8:00 am. In addition, due to monsoons, the air humidity is high and it becomes more difficult to breathe. It rains regularly, but mostly at night. Such weather is hard for small children, the elderly, asthmatics and those who suffer from heart and respiratory diseases.

In June, the heat decreases slightly, but at the end july the main rainy season begins. It lasts until the end october - the beginning November... Heavy tropical showers and light showers occur every day. IN september and in october there are floods in Cambodia. Few tourists come during the low season, and hotels are half empty.

Advice... If you are going on vacation to Cambodia in august, september and october, be prepared for the fact that the excursion program will have to be changed or even shortened due to the rains.

Air and water temperature in Cambodia during the holiday season

day air t, ° Сwater t, ° С

Resorts of Cambodia on the map

Beach holidays in Cambodia

For holidays in Cambodia by the sea, many choose the city Sihanoukville, or in Khmer Kampongsaom. It is a popular seaside resort with a developed tourist infrastructure on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand. Sihanoukville has clubs, cafes, restaurants, massage parlors, bookstores and diving centers.

The city has several good sandy beaches, between which it is convenient to move around by bike or tuk-tuk. The northernmost is located next to the port, at the foot of Victory Hill. From the south, behind a stone ridge, is the Victory Beach. It is popular with the Khmers themselves. Farther south stretch the beaches of Independence, Sokha, Serendipity, Ochutel and Otres. All of them are well equipped for a beach holiday, covered with fine sand and have a gentle entrance to the water.

Nature lovers love Koh Rong Island, the coastline of which is covered with excellent sandy beaches for almost 50 km. Interesting and neighboring Koh Rong Samloem Island... Coral reefs provide ideal conditions for snorkelers and scuba divers.

Some tourists prefer the beaches of a small town to the settled Sihanoukville Kep, which was previously used by the French as a seaside resort. 25 km from Kep is Koh Tonsai, or "Rabbit Island". Come to these places and you can combine a pleasant beach holiday with delicious fish and crabs tasting.

It's not a bad idea to swim in the sea in one day and see the protected area. To the east of Sihanoukville stretches Ream National Park... It occupies 210 sq. km and covers jungle, mangroves and excellent wild beaches. The most beautiful of them are on the uninhabited Koh Tmey island.

Advice... For lovers of secluded places for a beach holiday in Cambodia, small Koh Ta Kiev islands and Kaoh Damlaung... Tourists are taken to them for a day from Sihanoukville.

Prices for holidays in Cambodia in 2021

Where can I find cheap tickets? Use the search engines Aviasales and Skyscanner to compare prices of all airlines. Find out the secrets of finding cheap flights.

The main expense when traveling to Cambodia is the road. An air ticket from Moscow to Siem Reap or Phnom Penh and back for one costs from 31,000 rubles. The flight lasts 16-18 hours and takes place with one, two or three transfers in China or Vietnam.

Taking into account the expensive tickets, the cost of a vacation in Cambodia in 2021 cannot be called too high. At the peak of the tourist season, a tour for two for 7 days with a departure from Moscow costs from 148 thousand rubles. For this money, they offer accommodation in a 3 * hotel in Sihanoukville, which is 100 meters from the beach. Prices for holidays in Cambodia "all inclusive" in 2021 start at 160 thousand rubles for two per week.

Another item of spending on holidays in Cambodia is local transport. For renting a car in Sihanoukville, they ask from $ 15 per day, and for a motorbike - $ 5. Gasoline costs $ 1.2 per liter. In any city for $ 15 you can rent a tuk-tuk with a driver for the whole day. Be aware that in Siem Reap, foreigners are not allowed to rent motorbikes. This was done so that local tuk-tuk drivers would not be left without work and could take passengers to the sights of Angkor.

According to tourists, food in Cambodia is inexpensive. For a dish in a cheap restaurant they ask $ 1-5. In local eateries for two, you can eat for $ 4-8, and in a cafe, which is focused on foreigners, for $ 10-20. A standard breakfast of a piece of baguette, omelette and coffee costs $ 3-4 per person.

Advice... Eat breakfast at home if you want to save money. Shop for bread, cheese, butter, milk, and cornflakes for $ 3 for breakfast for two.


The hotel base in Cambodia is much smaller than in Thailand or Vietnam, but here it is easy to find accommodation in different price categories. A double room in inexpensive apartments or guesthouses will cost $ 10-15, overnight in 2 * hotels - $ 20-35, and in 3 * hotels - $ 30-45. For this money, you can count on a clean room with air conditioning, refrigerator, minibar, free wi-fi and a private bathroom.

All-inclusive hotels are available in Sihanoukville and Siem Reap. A comfortable full-service stay takes many of the hassle out of it. In addition, not everyone likes spicy and spicy Asian food, so 4-5 * hotels usually prepare traditional European and international cuisine.

Prices for 4-5 * hotels start at $ 70. A luxury 5 * hotel on the small island of Song Saa near Sihanoukville offers vacationers comfortable bungalows with swimming pools and excellent sea views. Rooms start at $ 145.

Look for hotels with discounts on Rumguru. Here are the main rules for finding hotels.

Advice... According to tourists' reviews, 3 * hotels leave a good impression, but provide a minimum of services. Many of them do not have a pool. If you want a more comfortable stay in Cambodia, choose 4-5 * hotels.


What everyone praises is the Cambodian cuisine. Unlike Thai or Vietnamese cuisine, Cambodians do not put a lot of spices and peppers in their food. They love to eat fresh herbs, rice and meat. Restaurants usually serve chicken, but crocodile and turtle dishes are not uncommon on the menu.

At seaside resorts, try deliciously cooked fish and seafood. Taste Khmer salads and soups According to reviews, on vacation in Cambodia, tourists prefer to eat bai sach chrouk - rice with pork, whalewu - a dish in meat broth with noodles, lime and pepper, and amok - fish mousse in coconut curry. Many vacationers noted the good quality of local beer, palm and rice wines.

Street food prices:

  • baguette - $ 0.5;
  • peeled pineapple - $ 1;
  • fresh coconut - $ 0.75;
  • dessert rice with raisins - $ 1;
  • fried bananas, 1 pc. - $ 0.12;
  • fried sausage - $ 1;
  • ice cream - $ 1.

Don't be afraid to get poisoned in street food restaurants, especially those where Cambodians themselves eat.Asians are accustomed to eating freshly prepared food - as they say, in the heat of the heat. If you are still concerned about quality, order cooked meals.

Advice... Always drink only bottled water.

Excursions and entertainment in Cambodia

Look for author's interesting excursions on the Sputnik and Tripster websites. Individual and group, no crowds of tourists and in Russian.

Where to go while on holiday in Cambodia? Almost all tourists visit Angkor Wat... This is a gigantic temple complex that covers an area of ​​200 sq. km. It is difficult to comprehend the scale of the grandiose buildings even today, when the temple has long been open for excursions and is almost entirely cleared of the advancing jungle. It is better to take not one, but at least three days to Angkor Wat. During this time, you will see the largest temples and visit the main statues.

Very interesting journey to Phnom Penh... It is the old capital of Cambodia, which is more than six centuries old. The city is home to more than 1.3 million people, and the population is slowly growing. Phnom Penh is famous for its temples and monasteries. Here is the Royal Palace, which is visited as part of an excursion group.

Popular excursions:

  • Sightseeing trip around Sihanoukville and its surroundings by jeep, 5 hours - $ 80.
  • Boat excursion to Koh Rong Sanloem island with lunch - $ 30.
  • Travel from Sihanoukville to Kem and Kampot - $ 50.
  • Temples of Ankor from Sihanoukville - from $ 55.
  • The Lost World: Waterfalls and Jungle - $ 55.
  • Floating village on Tonle Sap Lake - $ 88.
  • The fairy world of the mangrove forest - $ 38.

For amateurs active rest in demand:

  • Fishing in the Gulf of Thailand - $ 50.
  • Hunting for sea clams - $ 60.
  • A trip on a catamaran - $ 50.
  • Kayaking - $ 22
  • Quad bike ride - $ 30.
  • High Point Adventure Rope Park - $ 30.
  • Snorkeling - 35 $.
  • Diving - from $ 75.

Pros and cons of staying in Cambodia

According to tourists, vacation in Cambodia in 2021 has a lot pluses:

  • The trip allows you to touch the original Khmer culture and get acquainted with the Buddhist traditions of Southeast Asia.
  • It's safe in Cambodia.
  • Thanks to the wonderful climate and warm sea, you can relax at any time of the year.
  • Tours are relatively inexpensive.


  • Sihanoukville is pretty dirty.
  • The poverty of the population is striking. Children who beg for alms are especially often reminded of the real state of affairs.
  • There is little entertainment in Cambodia. Rest at the resorts comes down to going to the beach, gastronomic pleasures and sea excursions.
  • On the streets, you need to be careful, as thefts happen.
