"Biblio Globus": reviews of the tour operator


Tour operator "Biblio Globus": buy a tour or not? We provide brief information about the company and reviews of tourists - this will help you make a choice.

The domestic tour operator "Biblio Globus", created on the basis of a well-known trading house, has been operating in the tourist services market since 1994. The company offers holidays in popular domestic resorts, as well as in the best places in Europe, America, Southeast Asia and Africa.

The full list of offers of the tour operator includes more than 33 destinations, or 88 countries of the world. Among the priority ones are the resorts of Cyprus, Greece, Tunisia, Israel, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Austria, Italy, Thailand, China, Vietnam, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Indonesia, Mexico, USA, Dominican Republic and Brazil; for lovers of luxury holidays - Maldives and Seychelles.

The tour operator opened its branches in 18 major cities of Russia, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Vladivostok, etc. It has its own representative offices in various countries (Thailand, Vietnam, UAE, Greece , Cyprus, Czech Republic, Cuba, etc.). Collaborates with almost 30 thousand travel agencies. Among the partners are large air carrier companies Aeroflot, Emirates, Thai Airways, Qatar Airways, Czech Airlines, etc.

In addition to standard service packages, the company offers shopping tours, individual and group excursions, fishing, etc. The company itself positions itself as a service provider at a loyal price. According to the ratings of some business publications, Biblio Globus was one of the three democratic tour operators on the domestic market.

"Biblio Globus" has mostly positive reviews from tourists and a solid reputation, but given the scale of the company, a huge staff and a large number of partners, there are also failures in work - this should be taken into account when buying a tour. Below we provide positive feedback from travelers and what travelers did not like in organizing the tour.

Positive feedback on "Biblio Globus"

  1. Tourists note affordable prices, a similar trend has been traced for many years. Although, judging by the latest reviews, the loyal pricing policy of the tour operator pleases its customers less and less. However, very cheap last minute deals appear regularly. We wrote, for example, about such offers of this tour operator: in Sochi for 10 days for 5,000 rubles per person; to India for 11 days for 24,400 rubles. per person; to Greece for 2-7 days from 6 200 rubles. per person ..
  2. Many clients noted the variety of services (transfer, consultations, excursions, guides, etc.) and their quality - there are practically no complaints about this. There are many positive comments about interesting excursions and the conscientious work of the guides.
  3. Tourists also noted pleasant bonuses for customers: information brochures with excursions, prices and a card, a local SIM card and branded gift backpacks. In addition, if desired, any useful information can be found on the official website of the tour operator - maps, guidebooks, schedules, etc.

Negative reviews of tourists about "Biblio Globus"

  1. An ugly situation developed with those who paid for a tour to Egypt and could not use it after the well-known events at the end of 2015. People faced the problem of refunding, and very few people liked the proposed replacement for Cyprus in November - after all, the difference in climate is significant, and the surcharge turned out to be significant. Tourists write that the tour operator did not fail to take advantage of the situation, and prices for alternative destinations rose sharply.
  2. In the reviews of tourists about the tour operator "Biblio Globus" there are complaints about unfair manipulation of information about the hotel and infrastructure. Vacationers are misled by colorful pictures and tempting offers, upon arrival at the place of rest, representatives of the tour operator shrug their shoulders and recommend to complain. Other vacationers were simply deceived by not providing them with the places reserved at the hotel.
  3. There are also complaints about individual employees (guides or managers) who poorly perform their duties, as a result of which tourists are forced to spend their holidays in endless telephone conversations or even refuse to travel through the fault of the tour operator.
  4. Occasionally, there are problems with flights. The usual thing is to postpone the departure date, due to which precious, and most importantly, paid vacation hours are lost. Once an original surprise was prepared for the residents of Yekaterinburg - after a vacation they were brought to the capital, from where people had to get there on their own at their own expense, and the tour operator did not want to reimburse the costs, blaming the unscrupulous air carrier. For the sake of fairness, it is worth noting that people were warned in advance about such a prospect, giving them a choice - vacation plus additional costs or canceling the tour.

I must say that the overwhelming majority of negative reviews of tourists about the "Biblio Globus" is associated with the Egyptian situation in 2015. It is a pity that this problem had such a negative impact on the image of the tour operator, which until that moment had a certain reputation and regular customers. Perhaps, by revising its tactics, the tour operator will be able to regain somewhat shaken confidence and regain back the lost positions in the national rating.

We recommend searching for tours on the Travelata service, which searches for offers among more than 120 tour operators and finds the most profitable ones.

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