25 popular museums of Samara


Samara, a town from the song, has long been a thing of the past. Today it is one of the largest cities with a population of over one million in Russia, the center of the space industry and aircraft construction, science and education. The city of architectural historical monuments, football and music festivals, river and active tourism. It is also a city of building records. Here is the largest square in Europe, the tallest building of the railway station, the longest embankment in the country.

Several dozen museums work all year round in Samara, among which there are art and historical museums dedicated to certain events, people and even animals. A separate topic is the Samara monuments. Among them you can find Buratino, Uncle Styopa and the soldier Schweik, comrade Sukhov and Yuri Detochkin from the legendary films of the Soviet era.

The most interesting museums in the city

Museum and Exhibition Center "Space Samara"

The creation of the museum was dedicated to the 45th anniversary of space engineering in Samara; it was opened in 2001. A real Soyuz rocket is mounted on the facade of the building. A number of entertaining exhibits are exhibited in the museum halls - models of rockets, various parts of space technology. It will be interesting to find out where space technologies are used in everyday life. A separate part of the exhibition introduces the living conditions and work of cosmonauts at the orbital station.

Address: Samara, Lenin Ave., 21

Site: samaracosmos.ru

Samara Art Museum

One of the oldest museums in Samara, which celebrated its centenary at the end of the 20th century. It is located in a magnificent old building, the interior of which is designed in a palace style. The collection began to be assembled in 1897 at the initiative of the merchant and artist Golovkin. Today it consists of over 35 thousand exhibits. Among them are brilliant works of Russian and foreign painting, icon painting, sculpture, and applied art.

Address: Samara, st. Kuibyshev, 92

Site: artmus.ru

Museum "Motorworld of Vyacheslav Sheyanov"

The founder of the museum, Vyacheslav Sheyanov, managed to collect an incredible collection of motorcycles and tricycles from 14 countries over the past two decades. These are the best, and some are very rare examples of military and civil motor-building of the period 30-40 years. of the last century, the heyday in the world production of motor vehicles. All vehicles have been restored and are in excellent condition, any motorcycle you like can be tested on a test drive.

Address: Samara region, p. Petra Dubrava, st. Klimova, 2 B

Site: motos-of-war.ru

Stalin's bunker

One of the main attractions of the city. The bomb shelter built in 1942 for the country's top leadership was classified until the early 90s. It is located on the territory of the Institute of Culture and has not lost its defense purpose. On the upper floors there are premises for security, warehouses, technical services. And at the deepest there are fully equipped rooms for work, rest, a meeting room.

Address: Frunze, 167

Website: bunkerstalina.com

Museum of the History of the Kuibyshev Railway

The Kuibyshev railway is one of the longest in the country, passing through 7 regions. The exposition of the museum occupies five halls, it introduces the stages of construction and the history of the development of the road and the entire industry, the first station, workers and passengers. The original documents, old travel tickets have been preserved, models of rolling stocks of different times and modifications, means of communication between stations, and railway equipment are presented for viewing.

Address: Samara, Komsomolskaya pl. one

Website: rzd.ru

Povolzhsky Museum of Railway Engineering

On the open area of ​​the University of Railways, a variety of railway equipment is presented - diesel locomotives, steam locomotives, freight and passenger cars, a captured German tank. It also stores track tools, signs, semaphores, samples of rails from the last century and before last. Nearby, a wooden building of the 19th century station and a trackman's booth with original furniture, dishes, and a telegraph apparatus have been recreated.

Address: Litvinov, 332 A

Website: rzd.ru

Museum of History and Local Lore named after P.V. Alabin

One of the museum's old-timers was created at the end of the century before last; its funds include about 180 thousand valuable exhibits from the Mesozoic era to the present day. All of them are part of several thematic exhibitions: archaeological, weapons, numismatic, paleontological, rare books and documents of past centuries, ethnographic, etc. Particular attention is paid to historical events - the First World War and the Great Patriotic War, the period of repression.

Address: Samara, Leninskaya street, 142

Site: alabin.ru

Museum of the history of savings business

Banking in Samara began to emerge in the middle of the nineteenth century. Each visitor of a small museum can trace the history of its development using the example of numerous original exhibits. Here is a collection of authentic ancient and modern coins and banknotes, documents and photo archives, testifying to the first savings banks of the city and their depositors. The highlight of the museum is an invisible exhibition that is shown in the dark under ultraviolet light.

Address: Kuibysheva, 93

Children's art gallery

The mansion, which houses the children's museum, resembles a fairytale castle with towers.More than a hundred years ago, it belonged to the wealthy merchant Klodt. Since 1991, works of young and adult authors from different countries have been demonstrated here - paintings, objects of decorative and applied art. The exhibition of exclusive dolls is especially popular. The museum conducts master classes, contests, lectures for children with parents, invites everyone to their workshops.

Address: Kuibysheva, 139

Website: chilgall.wixsite.com

Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics named after S.P. Korolev

The museum received its first visitors in 1977, when the 70th birthday of Sergei Korolyov was celebrated. The museum exposition is divided into two parts: the development of Russian aviation and the stages of space exploration. Among the exhibits are models of the first aircraft, aviation equipment, pilot equipment, aircraft cockpit. You can also see rocket engines, spacecraft, models of rockets, artificial earth satellites, numerous photo and video archives.

Address: Samara, Moscow highway, 34 A, cor. 3

Website: museum.ssau.ru

Museum of Modern

The estate of the Kurlin merchants, where the museum is located, was one of the first urban buildings in the Art Nouveau style at the beginning of the last century. The Kurlins were well-known patrons of art in Samara, trustees of educational institutions. In the mansion on the ground floor, the interior of four rooms in the Art Nouveau style has been recreated with historical accuracy, items of clothing, furniture, dishes, photographs, paintings have been preserved. The second floor hosts temporary exhibitions of artists, lectures, concerts.

Address: Frunze, 159

Site: samaramodern.ru

Museum of the History of the City of Samara named after M.D. Chelyshov

One of the newest museums in Samara. It is located in a building that belonged to the family of Mikhail Chelyshov, a famous Samara politician, mayor, who held this post at the beginning of the last century. The exposition of the museum displays the main historical events in the life of the city, starting with the construction of the Samara fortress in the 16th century. It also introduces biographies of public figures, entrepreneurs who at different times contributed to the prosperity of Samara.

Address: Frunze, 49

Site: vk.com

House-Museum of V.I. Lenin

From 1890 to 1893, the Ulyanovs rented an apartment on the second floor of one of the city's merchant estates. At that time, Vladimir received a law degree, began working in the district court, created a Marxist circle, and began to write his first works.The museum staff restored the outer facade of the building, all the courtyard buildings, as well as the furnishings in the Ulyanovs' apartment. On the ground floor there is a documentary exposition on the life and work of Lenin in Samara.

Address: Samara, Leninskaya street, 131

Site: vk.com

Museum-Estate of Alexei Tolstoy

The writer spent his childhood and youth in a wooden manor built at the end of the 19th century. According to the recollections of Alexei Tolstoy's relatives, letters and documents, the atmosphere inside the house was restored in the spirit of the beginning of the last century. Some wardrobe items, antique furniture, dishes, household items, magazines of that time have been preserved. The museum funds contain more than 10 thousand documents and materials related to the personal and creative life of the writer.

Address: Frunze, 155

Site: samlitmus.ru

House-Museum of M.V. Frunze

In several rooms of the old estate, where Frunze lived since 1919, unique exhibits on the theme of the life and work of a commander and a revolutionary are collected. His study has been recreated here, you can see authentic things - telephone, clothes, furniture, newspapers, letters. A separate exposition introduces the life of Samara during the revolutionary period and the period of the Civil War, with the confrontation between Kolchak's white army and Frunze's red army, and other historical facts.

Address: Frunze, 114

Site: vk.com

Military History Museum of the PUrVO

The Volga Military District was created in 1918. The first floor of the museum contains materials and original exhibits related to the formation of the Soviet Republic, with the activities of prominent personalities Lenin, Kuibyshev, Frunze, Blucher, Chapaev. The exhibition on the second floor is dedicated to the exploits of the Volga residents in the Great Patriotic War, among them the famous names of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Alexander Matrosov, Nikolai Gastello. One of the halls tells about today's everyday life of the military district.

Address: Shostakovich, 1

Cultural and Exhibition Center "Raduga"

The center began its work in the late 90s, its purpose is cultural and educational activities. Visitors are offered to familiarize themselves with two dozen expositions. Among them are several halls dedicated to the history and culture of ancient civilizations - Indian, Greek, Egyptian, Japanese, Tibetan. No less interesting are the rich collection of minerals, an exhibition of reproductions of paintings by famous masters, the historical hall “Russia. The feat of the people ”.

Address: Michurina, 23

Website: mcdk.org

Gallery "Victoria"

The opening of a private gallery took place in 2005, and its main goal is to popularize the main trends in contemporary art, to meet the talented masters of the region of the XX-XXI centuries. Within the walls of the building, personal and thematic exhibitions, lectures on the history and theory of art, film screenings, performances, fashion shows, and meetings with interesting people are held. Also, training schools for lovers of painting, graphics, photography are organized here.

Address: Samara, Nekrasovskaya street, 2

Site: gallery-victoria.ru

Samara Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists

One of the most famous art venues in the city. Here everyone can get a lot of useful information about the work of novice and venerable Samara authors, get acquainted with their works in the genre of graphics, sculpture, decorative art, painting. There is also an opportunity to purchase your favorite works. The exhibition hall is a meeting place for artists, art critics, master classes, competitions, and presentations.

Address: Molodogvardeyskaya, 207 A

Site: vk.com

Samara Football Museum

The exposition of the unusual sports museum is dedicated to the Wings of the Soviets club and other less well-known regional teams. The exhibits for the museum have been provided by fans, veterans and current team players. Here you can see the sports uniforms of famous athletes and coaches, balls, medals, badges, pennants, booklets with autographs of football players, cups. Fragments of the covered stadium, gates, installations on the theme of football are also presented.

Address: Molodogvardeyskaya, 148

Site: football-museum.ru

Museum of Vladimir Vysotsky

In Samara in 1967, one of the first performances of Vysotsky, then a little-known performer, took place in front of the audience. Here a successful start was given to Vladimir's creative activity, many people closely communicated with him at that time, and on their initiative a museum was created in 1985. Its exposition consists of posters, photographs, autographs of the poet, audio and video recordings of his concerts, notes from the audience.

Address: Vysotsky, 8

Museum "Unconquered"

Members of the Samara branch of the Union of former juvenile concentration camp prisoners were the initiators of the creation of such a museum. This is a memory museum, a pain museum, a shock museum. Numerous documents, videos, letters, eyewitness memories testify to the brutal appearance of the fascist regime, which did not spare even young children. They were subjected to monstrous torture in the dungeons of concentration camps, not many were able to survive. This must be remembered forever.

Address: Maurice Toreza, 103 A

Site: dv-samara.ru

Museum of the History of Tram and Trolleybus Management

The Museum of the History of Public Land Transport was established in 1982 with the participation of veterans of the tram and trolleybus administration. The museum's fund contains about 5 thousand exhibits - documents, publications, projects for the construction of the first cars, tools for servicing transport, ticket offices for issuing tickets. There are also models of trams, including horse-drawn trams, trolleybuses of different years of production, costumes of conductors and carriage drivers.

Address: Samara, st. Michurina, 3

Site: ttu-s.ru

Samara Diocesan Church History Museum

The stages of the historical path of the Orthodox Church in the Samara region are presented in the museum on the territory of the theological seminary. A large exposition of one of the halls contains unique art objects. Here are kept icons, old printed books, a rare collection of casting, coins, various products of the monastery workshops. In another room you can learn about the life of the clergy who have had a significant impact on the life of the people of the Samara region.

Address: Radonezhskaya, 2

Site: se-museum.ru

Frog Museum

A small, cozy museum will be of interest to visitors of all ages. Fairy frogs reign everywhere here - made of ceramics, fabric, glass, paper, beads and other materials. Most of the amazing collection belongs to the founder of the museum, Marina Tarasova. In the "frog kingdom" for children, theatrical performances, master classes on making their favorite fairy-tale characters, and creative birthdays are held.

Address: Krupskaya, 1

Site: vk.com/museum_frog
